ТасвирGamifying Wikimedia - Learning Through Play.pdf
English: Slides from today's presentation at the Open Educational Resources Conference 2017 held at Resource for London on 5-6 April 2017.
“Gamification is a powerful tool due to its ability to capture people’s attention, to engage them in a target activity, and even to influence their behavior.” (Kim, 2015)
“Gamification is the use of game design elements and game mechanics in non-game contexts. This idea has been used successfully in many web based businesses to increase user engagement. Some researchers suggest that it could also be used in web based education as a tool to increase student motivation and engagement.”(Dominguez et al, 2013)
This workshop will demonstrate that crowdsourcing contributions to Wikimedia’s family of Open Education projects does not have to involve a heavy time component and that short fun, enjoyable activities can be undertaken which enhance the opportunities for teaching & learning and the dissemination of open knowledge. Participants will be guided through a series of Wikimedia tools; running through the purpose of each tool, how they can be used to support open education alongside practical demos.
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